I had a dream
In that dream I was running
Running from who or what I don't know.
I knew not to look back or my soul would be lost forever.
But the temptation was too strong.
I had to....NEEDED to.
I looked back and saw him
Running behind me, a fleshy shadow of my secret mind.
Running, Knowing.
Luring me to look deep inside, to the evil I held within.
Begging me to release it.
I looked in my soul, but what was there I can not remember.
If I did I'm sure I'd go insane.
Did I give in to the evil or no?
I guess I'll never know...
Because you see at that terrifying moment I woke up.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Daily Rant*******
Been learning more html and using PSP in the past few days. Redoing my whole eBay image....Trying to make more $$ as usual. Aren't we all? Dara has her baby on Wed. Hopefully everything will go o.k.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
"dear god"
god? are you there? are you listening to me? and if you are why have you ignored me before? all i want to know is why you cause so much pain and suffering?!? "GOD" is supposed to be loving, kind, caring, and generous. NOT painful, conniving, callous, and letting us suffer at his amusement. you let children go hungry....women get beaten... people are homeless...and some you let die too early. some say you put us throughout "tests.: well i say ENOUGH of the goddamned tests. i for one have learned all i've need to learn. i've suffered all i've wanted to suffer....as many others have as well. we are always supposed to trust in you and put you first. but where were you when I need you? where were you when the LITTLE BOY was praying for a piece of bread? or the WOMAN begging you for her husband not to drink and beat her again. HUH?!? so "GOD" i'll make it easy for you. i'm not praying anymore...so there is one less meager human to listen to.
***ESCAPE Part 2***
Each step I take-each pill I take I fall further into the abyss. Each toke I take-each pound I make the escape becomes my bliss.
I like it..To feel nothing. After feeling so much pain and anger it's what I need. To escape.
I slip back into my min-find a little corner to hide. A place that is safe and warm...Gives me shelter from the storm.
This self destruction storm also known as my life. I can't take it! I need more. My mind is hazy-my eyes are glossy. I feel like I am the walking dead.
I feel no love, I feel no hate. It's what I want-what I need. This is the shelter I was looking for. I can't take much more.
Never again. No more. I can't take it. My mind is spinning out of control. It won't stop. The abyss is closing in on me. Now with my fears for company I go hide in my corner again. For every time the light begins to shine-I swallow. One more. Just one more. One more won't hurt.
***ESCAPE Part 1***
Escape from all this madness. Escape from all the sadness. I close my eyes and think of a far away land. The land where my dreams would come true. It's easy to escape from reality. But after awhile-it's hard to get back. It starts to become to comfortable. I can't tell the difference anymore. Is my reality my dreams? Or are my dreams my reality? He hands me some more. They go down as easy as before. Swallow my pain. Swallow my sorrow. I escape. I feel better now. Sit back. Relax. I don't feel a thing. Just go back to my fantasies. One day----I may take too many. Maybe that would be ok. Because then I would be forever in my dreams and wouldn't have to escape this reality.
Daily Rant*******
Been a couple of days since I've been here......Had drunken spells, and many many many listings on eBay to put up. But somewhere in the hoopla I found time to watch the movie CRASH. Let me just say it is one of those Tragically beautiful movies. It deals with hard core issues (racism) that most people believe don't exist in this day and age. The fact remains that EVERYONE including yourself STILL judges a book by its cover....Even when we try not to. It is hard but I think we must as a community try and not be so judgmental about the kid with the nose ring, the girl who had a baby at 16. The mother addicted crack.......The list goes on and on. Instead of opening or mouths to say something negative we should be out there helping....Doing something positive to change the situation.........Hell I am always better at giving other people advice instead of following my own....
Saturday, July 16, 2005
***who shall read this***
each person who find this
will take a different piece of me
devouring my thoughts
succumbing to my nightmares
stripping me..........my words, my thoughts
with their eyes
some i scare
some i excite
some think i'm perverse
most run away in fright
yet, no one could ever understand the reason i write.
will take a different piece of me
devouring my thoughts
succumbing to my nightmares
stripping me..........my words, my thoughts
with their eyes
some i scare
some i excite
some think i'm perverse
most run away in fright
yet, no one could ever understand the reason i write.
Daily Rant*******
Kids gone for the weekend.**********WOOHOO************ I love them and miss them, but I was ready for a break. Time to break out the liquor. I need to clean house but we shall see if it actually happens...........
Contemplating life and its many wonders while sitting by the computer smoking.....Getting tired and my thoughts become blurred. It would be easier if I could become the smoke and drift away until there was nothing left of me....
Thursday, July 14, 2005
------QUOTES OF THE DAY------

- "The line diving good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a part of his own heart?"-Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
- "There is a great freedom in despair. Once reached even despair can be paradise...." -Lord Byron
- "I often think the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."-Vincent Van Gogh
------The Sad Girl------
Her eyes have became nothing more than vacant holes from where she's cried...over him. It's 4 am and she still hasn't found her place yet. Everything that she knew and was familiar with included him. Now he's gone and she's left slipping on the tears she's cried. She's lost all hope. She reminds me of a beautiful angel, but she has a broken wing. Eventually time will heal her and she'll move on. She'll be alright in the end. She will reclaim her faith in love and in herself. Until then she'll live day by day and cry herself to sleep.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Daily Rant*******
Just saw the trailer for Exorcism of Emily Rose a few minutes ago and man let me tell you it is gonna be a good/scary film. It also got me to thinking about the whole exorcism thing. Supposedly this is "based on a true story" and is the Roman Catholic Church actually had to admit to it. Which as you and I both know doesn't happen very often......But the question is what do you think? Do you believe in the devil/demons and/or possessions? And if you do do you believe in God? God and I aren't on happy terms right now and sometimes I have even thought I was an atheist. BUT I do believe in demon possession.....So where does that leave me? Since I believe in that extreme in truth there must be another to balance it out.....Right? Ughhhhh just another thought in my sea of madness........
***WHAT IF***
WHAT IF the world was as grey as my mind???
WHAT IF a sinner was god???
WHAT IF everyone spoke their mind and was brutally honest???
WHAT IF i had the ability to forgive and forget???
WHAT IF bad things never happened???
WHAT IF everyone was noRmal???
WHAT IF everyone believed in something???
WHAT IF the devil were true???
WHAT IF i should die???
-Kasandria Michelle
---------------------------------BURDENS CAN KILL YOU---------------------------------
WHAT IF the world was as grey as my mind???
WHAT IF a sinner was god???
WHAT IF everyone spoke their mind and was brutally honest???
WHAT IF i had the ability to forgive and forget???
WHAT IF bad things never happened???
WHAT IF everyone was noRmal???
WHAT IF everyone believed in something???
WHAT IF the devil were true???
WHAT IF i should die???
-Kasandria Michelle
---------------------------------BURDENS CAN KILL YOU---------------------------------
"A Tear"

a tear falls from her face
i wish i could take her place
she's still innocent and pure
if only i had the cure
how can this be happening again
with me watching as the horrors begin
i wish i could erase her pain
but i'm only standing here watching her be slain
slain in anger and sadness
i wish i could escape this madness
a tear falls from her face
i wish i could take her place
------QUOTES OF THE DAY------
- "Once exposed to the darkness ever present and ever hidden among us, one is forever tainted."-Mark L. Stinson
- "Superstition is the religion of feeble minds."-Edmund Burke
- "I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs, or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me."-Hunter S. Thompson
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Another night of sleeplessness; Another night of loneliness. What is there to do???? Nothing...What is there to say??? Nothing... It's just me with my incoherent rantings. I write, but what does it mean??? Nothing... To anyone except me. Am I lost within myself? Is this lack of sleep making me delirious? Is anyone even reading this? I think I'm just over-analyzing things too much again...
Daily Rant*******
Heard that song Sic Transit Gloria by Brand New earlier this week and I can't get it out of my mind...Everything about it. The sound, melody, lyrics, and what it stands for. It is about girl who takes advantage of a boy. Now I know that is DOES happen and it's not right yadda yadda....but I know that at least one girl out of every 3 fantasizes about taking advantage of a sensitive boy sometime........
"Living In Hell"

There is no living
Just hell
But, after all hell is more fascinating and bizarre than heaven ever could be.
I guess that's why we are here
To see how much hell your so called GOD can put us through
But since I;m here I will explore this vast underworld before me
Until one day I will die
Who knows where my soul will end up
Because if this is hell then where do I go from here?
Monday, July 11, 2005
An angel with a nail
Stabbed me in the heart
And set my demons free
This nasty dark little secret
Festered and turned into madness
It wanted itself to happen
The world was black
And I partook of the darkness
I had become cloaked in sin
I am only the night mare
Which you created
And now I leave my pain in you
My delirium has become contagious
And is now spreading like a whore
Daily Rant*******
Been listening to a lot of My Chemical Romance lately. Love their lyrics. Especially Cemetery Gates and Demolition lovers. Who knows when I run out of stuff to put up here maybe I'll post some of their lyrics. Now on to some useless information that I have thought up today......
Things that I wish I had thought of
- Trampolines......A little piece of black material that kids jump on and do all kinds of stupid tricks on and inevitably wind up breaking something. But man are they sure fun.
- Those little paper umbrellas that you put in your drink. They have no other purpose in life except to look cute. Wish that's all I had.
- Clocks......I live for clocks. Different shapes, sizes, and styles. The weirder the better. I have 2 of Salvador Dalis prints of melting clocks.
- Sex......What an incredible fun thing that also reproduces the entire human race. Also burns calories. ;)
- Last but not least Blogs.....A perfect tool for all us hopeless souls who have way too much going on in their brain. A perfect avenue for random bullshit.
"My Fault"
You say it's my fault
When I wear the shiny red dress
Smile a lipstick smile
Walk alone in the streets at night
You say I asked for it
With the way I moved
The way I looked, talked, touched.
But was it my fault when I was small?
When I had pink bows in my hair
Pretty dresses with frills
A perfect cotton candy smile
When I didn't understand what was happening
Only that it must be my fault
So now I speak in stories
Because my half truths of fiction
Are easier to believe than my reality
-Kasandria {in Bradford}
When I wear the shiny red dress
Smile a lipstick smile
Walk alone in the streets at night
You say I asked for it
With the way I moved
The way I looked, talked, touched.
But was it my fault when I was small?
When I had pink bows in my hair
Pretty dresses with frills
A perfect cotton candy smile
When I didn't understand what was happening
Only that it must be my fault
So now I speak in stories
Because my half truths of fiction
Are easier to believe than my reality
-Kasandria {in Bradford}
Friday, July 08, 2005
Daily Rant*******
The kids' birthday party is in the morning. God, don't you hate when a bunch of people you really don't like have to come over to your house? House has to be clean, food cooked, a a permanent fucking fake smile plastered to your face. The only good thing about it at all is my children's' faces light up. I would do anything for that.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
***The Cycle***
Stick it in. The bliss is immediate. Watch with fascination as my blood and my sin mixes, intertwines. Ahhhh, how beautiful. Words cannot express the feeling that comes over me. I feel divine. Like I have control over everything. Not even sex is as good as this. This must be what God feels like....
Just as quickly it all disappears. Sweat pours out and down, as the spasms rack my body. I need more, crave more. Maybe I can scrape some off the floor. Just enough for one more hit. This pain is getting too intense. I swear it's my last fix. Who am I kidding. The cycle will just begin again.
~~~What Love Feels Like by Stephen King~~~
"Falling in love is like getting hit by a large truck, and yet not being wounded. Just sick to your stomach. High one minute, low the next. Starving hungry, yet unable to eat. Hot, cold, forever horny, full of hope and enthusiasm with momentary depressions that wipe you out."
"Falling in love is not being able to remove the smile from your face. Loving life with a mad and passionate intensity.."
"Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what's happening. You Never expect it. It's inevitable. An event you can't control. A crazy heart stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course. And each time you fall-you fall harder."
-from a Stephen King book
~~~Something Inspiring by Jim Morrison~~~
once i had a little game
i liked to crawl back into my brain
i think you know the game i mean
i mean the game called "go insane"
now you should try this little game
just close your eyes forget your name
forget the world forget the people
and we'll erect a different steeple
this little game is fun to do
just close your eyes no way to lose
and i'm right there i'm going too
release control we're breaking thru
burrow back into the brain
way back past the realm of pain
back where there's never any pain
-jim morrison
i liked to crawl back into my brain
i think you know the game i mean
i mean the game called "go insane"
now you should try this little game
just close your eyes forget your name
forget the world forget the people
and we'll erect a different steeple
this little game is fun to do
just close your eyes no way to lose
and i'm right there i'm going too
release control we're breaking thru
burrow back into the brain
way back past the realm of pain
back where there's never any pain
-jim morrison
"My Locked Cabinet"
I am lost again.....Wandering aimlessly through the vast canyons of my mind. Going through the files I keep locked tight. Traveling through each memory with ease and indifference. I drift around to pass the time. Lingering in the dark corners of my twisted mind. I am safe and secure here. Lost in this realm of utter hopelessness that only I can comprehend. I could stay here forever. Living in the past. Here I can't fee. Here I am numb. Here I am completely.........me.
Daily Rant*******
Trying to get ready for the kids' birthday party is like trying to pop a pimple. It hurts like hell but you know you know you gotta do it or everyone will look at you funny. :) Gabriel will be 4 and Isabella just turned 1. Other than that everything is alright.

My heart is full of aching fear
Not knowing where my life will steer
My sleep is full of restless dreams
I'm troubled as to what it means
My waking moments are filled with dread
Of wondering where my nightmare lead
I can't remember what is I meet
But I spend my days in fear of sleep
The nightmare dies before the dawn
And lays cloudless in a mindless storm
I fight my mind to understand
The fear that stalks my slumberland
Evening time and my fear it darkens
With tired eyes my soul it beckons
I surrender to sleep its reckoning time
I wonder if I'll wake in control of my mind
My dreams lead me to a frightning place
The evils of thr night to face
I contemplate fear as I slip down further
And try to hide my self far under the covers
As the fear it grips. it starts the chase
Will I ever be able to win this race
It claws at me within the black
I feel it tighten until I am trapped
Gasping and choking I drown in the night
Always struggling to see the light
The light becomes stronger the more that I fight
Yet I fear somehow I won't survive this night
I awake shivering in sweat soaked sheets
Wondering how I accomplishe this great feat
I'll spend my days in fear of sleeping
Until it decides my soul is for keeping

He came to my bedroom late in the night.
Whispering to me words of fright.
He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Yet, I was scared and kept my senses keen.
He swept me up and carried me away.
To a land of death that was cold and grey.
He spoke to me in a voice so cold.
Promising his love would never grow old.
Then he came to a stop by an altar of stone.
Then laid me upon it surrounded by bones.
He told me he loved me as he kissed my breast.
I shuddered and asked him why must we rest?
He smiled and said "THIS is now your home."
"You'll be my queesn and sit next to me on my throne."
I cried and I yelled, "How could this be?!?!"
He simply replied My dear you have sinned and gave your soul to thee......
That's when I noticed hi eyes full of rage.
And my lover beside him trapped in a cage.
I screamed when I saw him and cried "Give him back his life!"
His smile so sinister as he said "Only if you'll be my wife."
I hung my head with sorrow and shame.
For I knew I was the only one to blame.
I looked back up into his eyes so red.
And began to smile as I shook my head.
I told him I'd stay, but with a condition of my own.....
That I may be free and allowed to roam.
He shook his head to the left then to the right.
Then bared his teeth so long and bright.
What do you mean allowed to roam?
If you do then you are no longer my own.
He changed his mind and said "Yes, you may.."
"BUT remember you are here to stay."
Then he began to kiss my lips.
And worked his way down roughly to my hips.
My lover sat and watched in vain.
Thinking that I had surely gone insane.
As the demon brought me to ecstasy.
I wondered what in the hell was happening to me.
Things were popping in my head left and right.
Flames of beauty, Flames of bright.
After he had his way with me.
I wondered how GOD could let this be.
That's when I realized GOD was not real.
And I had been a fool to believe that whole deal.
The demon said "Where is your GOD now?"
I simply replied "You are my GOD." Then wiped the sweat off my brow.
I am now yours and you are now mine.
And it will be that way until the end of time.
Daily Rant*******

I've been watching a lot of war movies lately. Who knows why. Mostly movies about WWII. Band of Brothers, Enemy at The Gates, Saving Private Ryan, and Schindler's List. I know "why" we go to war, but I can never figure out what makes these people commit search terrible and awful atrocities in the first place. I guess I'll never know........
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"There is a gulf between those who sleep and those who can not. It is one of the greatest divisions of the human race." Iris Murdoch
Here it is again......1:45. My husband and kids are sleep and I am wandering around trying to find something to occupy the time.......I wish I knew what caused this. What cured it. After a few days of it my mind begins to wander in the daylight. Things take on an odd shape or sound a little different. It starts to affect your reality. People who have never been there could never understand. For some as soon as their heads hit the pillow they are in dreams. For people like me you lay there.......and lay there.....and lay. Trying to convince your self you are asleep. In my hours of idleness I write....What do you do?
Some quotes that I have come across in my life.....
- "Under different circumstances we might have been the best of friends"......Unknown
- "Misery can sometimes be a fine and pleasant thing......A dark drug. The joy least likely to betray its faithful addicts." Lord Byron
- "There is no sense in writing something if you can't say what's true to your heart." Stephen King
- "Hell is reimagined by every generation." Clive Barker
- "I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity" Edgar Allen Poe
- "No one stays at the top forever" CASINO
- "I would never be otherwise than I am.....The wandering outlaw of my Dark Mind...." Lord Byron
- "Joan of Arc heard voices....Moses heard voices...Does this then make a chizophrenic a Saint? Or a Saint a Schizo?" Deborah LaRue
The beginning.......
Everything has a beginning this is mine. Just set up Mindless Rantings of an Isomniac. Maybe someone will stumble across it and become inspired or intrigued. Maybe it will just take up more space on the web. Who knows. But it gives me something to do with all the thoughts in my head. I will start posting more stories, poems, rants, or whatever random bullshit my mind comes up with. --------------------Kas
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