Monday, November 28, 2005

~~~Pleasured Pain~~~

"The pain of pleasure is still pleasure"

My eyes dance to your beauty, caught in your skin veiled beneath seduction. My body follows yours as our eyes devour each other. You taste my desire with an expectant tongue and smile as your eyes whisper for more. I fall at your command. Waiting for your every demand. You know I am yours and give a smile in return. for that pleasured pain you will give that I yearn. Your eyes search my white eager skin., thinking of the pleasures soon to begin. Anxious sweat breaks on my brow. Expecting a crack of lather to answer me now. You taunt me by saying "You are mine, all of You." You leave a lash of fire that was the answer to my darkest desire.

"For Revenge"

I hate doing it, but I must.
After each kill,
I feel I;ve gone nuts.
I must be crazy,
Because I like to feel your last breath.
And to know
That I was the one who caused your death.
It gives me power.
It gives me a thrill.
I feel like a GOD,
After I kill.
Blood on my hands,
Blood on my neck.
So much blood,
It almost makes me sick.
Changed my clothes
Then cleaned the blood up.
Wonder where to bury him,
As I put him in the trunk.
How many more to go?
He was number nine.
As many as needs be.
Till I feel the revenge is mine!
**discalimer** No of course I have never done this. It is fiction idiot.

------QUOTES OF THE DAY------

  • Life is a disease...Sexually transmitted and always fatal. -Neil Gaiman
  • Fiction is the truth inside the lie. -Stephen King
  • Writing is like making love, but it's also like pulling a tooth. Pleasure and Pain. Sometimes it's even like making love while having a tooth pulled. -Dean Koontz
  • Remember whatever your religion, most of the world disagrees with you anyway. -off of a bumper sticker
  • Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember....when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend your arm and bitch slap the motherfucker up side the head. -off of a t-shirt

Daily Rant*******Part 2

Inspiration has been gone now for months.....I want to write....Furthermore NEED to write. Yet anything of significance flees from my mind before I can grab it. I wake up in cold sweats knowing I should write down my dreams......But only fragments are left in the clouds......

Heart to Hand-Hand to Pen-Pen to Paper. Sounds so simple right? Sometimes the flow faster than my hands can keep up. They flow with such ease and grace that they form a life of their own and where I was headed is not where I end up. Yet, other times I feel as if I will simply BUST if I don't write. Then the words fall on numb hands and there is no medicine for it.


Daily Rant*******

Been a few months since I have updated. Got in on the whole Xbox craze. Between me and a friend we made a total of close to $400 profit to split 2 ways. Capitialism at its finest what can I say. Closer and Closer until Chrsitmas. Have to start getting ready sooner rather than later if I want to get it all done in time.

Been going to NA meetings with my brother-in-law for support. Funny how it makes me feel like such a hypocrite.

Was scanning some blogs and one caught my eye. ... in the-shadows was the name of it. Alot of heart and sadness in it. Reminds me alot of myself when I was younger. Thats all on my mind yet. I'll wander around cyber world and I'm sure I will be able to find other interesting things to write about.